Monthly Archives: July 2010


Inception is definitely the blockbuster action thriller of the summer, and is raking in at the box office, especially with the Gen X’ers etc. It’s built around the clever plot of an undercover gang who wire themselves up to people sleeping in order to get into their unconscious minds (their dream space) to extract and plant information. The movie looks and plays out pretty cool and the visual effects are great. Leo DiCaprio, and especially Marion Cotillard, are effective as the married couple in dream limbo.

It’s quite an involving, semi-complicated movie, where paying careful attention helps, while you try and figure out what’s going on. It’s not That difficult, but it keeps you working at it. I was trying to listen intently but found some of the dialogue drowned out by the pounding background music. And half way in, I started to daydream about my stay at the beach and what else I had to do, and sooner or later I realized I wasn’t concentrating about the movie anymore, and had missed a couple of scenes. But the movie goes on for so long, it doesn’t seem to matter. The pounding continues! And the ending and dream finally, finally come around. Awake, I say, let me out of here. Continue reading

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