Beartown, Hillbilly Elegy, and The Sun Is Also a Star

Happy Mother’s Day to all those out there. I haven’t posted in awhile because it took me some time to get through the novel “Beartown” and I’ve been busy with the yard and getting ready for a three-day bicycle trip next weekend. It’s the annual Golden Triangle bike ride that about 400 cyclists do every Canadian May long weekend. We are hoping for good weather but you never know until it gets here. I will report back on it, until then I will leave you with a few reviews of what I finished lately.

It’s true I like an occasional sports novel. I’ve read Chad Harbach’s baseball novel “The Art of Fielding,” John Grisham’s football novel “Playing for Pizza,” and Chris Cleave’s bike racing novel “Gold” among others — so with the hockey playoffs going on, I was game for Fredrik Backman’s novel “Beartown,” which is about a small depressed community, set deep within a forest, whose junior ice hockey team means about everything to the people who live there. Molded by years of endless practice and coaching, the team has a real shot at the country’s championship — that is until a crime takes place involving its 17-year-old star player and the 15-year-old daughter of its general manager, which changes things in the community forever.

It’s an alluring premise and setting, and the novel skips around in snippets among a lively cast of quite a few characters that includes players, coaches, parents, the GM’s family, the town’s bar owner and others. Of these, I liked the young immigrant boy, Amat, who is small but very fast on skates and is trying to make the team. A lot rests on him and what he knows in the aftermath of the crime.

This was my first book by the Swedish author — who also wrote the bestseller “The Man Called Ove.” His novels seem to border on popular fiction, which is okay if it moves along accordingly. He definitely seems to know his hockey, which there is quite a bit of in this story. My only trouble was that the first half of the novel seemed rather repetitive about how important hockey and the team meant to the dying town — there’s quite a bit of backstory that takes awhile to get where it’s going — and while the novel’s second half moves better with the crime and aftermath, I found it was a bit heavy-handed and lacking in subtly. There’s an occasional voiceover narration — in addition to those of the characters’ — that seems to drum its message into you. I guess I didn’t care for that, or being molded about how to feel about the situation — let us decide for ourselves.

Still judging by all the raves on Goodreads, I’m in the minority on this one, giving it three stars, which to me means I liked it okay but didn’t overly love it.  Thanks to NetGalley for sending me an e-copy of the book to review.

Next up, I listened to the audiobook of J.D. Vance’s book “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis,” which the author does a fine job of reading. It came out last June, and I feel like I might be one of the last bloggers to get to it. It’s been that popular! I had no idea, really, but the book’s sales sure took off amid the pre- and post-election hoopla, despite not being about politics or even mentioning Trump. Nor did I know the author was just 31 when it came out last year — it’s a memoir by a young person one could say.

As many know it’s about the author and his family’s life growing up poor in the Rust Belt — first in Kentucky’s Appalachia region then in Ohio, where his grandparents moved hoping to escape the poverty. J.D. chronicles how he was raised along with his sister mostly by his grandparents since his parents divorced — his dad moved away and his mother struggled with addiction problems and a trove of men and unsuccessful relationships.

To say his family life was chaotic would be putting it mildly. But luckily for him, his tough, gun-toting grandmother provided the stability and guidance he needed to get through high school. She is quite a character, who was not to be messed with. A couple years in the Marines also gave him discipline and structure and he went on to attend Ohio State University and thereafter Yale Law School and a high-paying job.

It’s quite a rise and the book chronicles his life’s changes in details that make for an interesting read. I admire how J.D. overcame so much (especially dealing with his mother) to get his education and job and make his life better. His genuineness in the book and the audio’s narration come through, and he tells it in a way that is straightforward and pretty humble. It’s mostly a memoir but also talks about the white working-class; he seems to love his hillbilly family and neighbors but is also critical of them.

Perhaps one of my takeaways of the book is that it takes a village or a support system to raise a child, especially when you don’t have reliable parents (surprisingly this sounds like Hillary). He credits his grandparents, sister, and mentors along the way for helping him. That seems key. I also like how he talks about taking personal responsibility and not always blaming others or the government for one’s place.

Apparently J.D.’s a conservative Republican who didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton, but someone else. But I’d be surprised from what I read in the book if he fully sees eye to eye with Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, are you kidding me? Does he? I didn’t find the book abundantly political — and I may not agree with everything in it — but I thought it was thought-provoking, and I’ll be curious to see where the author’s thoughts and life take him from here.

Lastly in fiction, I also listened to the audiobook of Nicola Yoon’s young-adult novel “The Sun Is Also a Star,” which is about a teenage girl (Natasha) in New York, who along with her family faces deportation to Jamaica in 12 hours, and a first generation Korean American boy (Daniel) who is being pushed by his parents to attend a college and career path he doesn’t want. Daniel and Natasha fatefully meet, and over the course of a long day, traipsing around the city trying to solve their problems, fall for one another, while their personal histories and those of their families unfold.

I thought there were a lot of excellent things about this story: the dialogue and details with which Yoon writes about teenage life and love seem pretty authentic and she knows a lot about the magic of love and how to write about it. The families and perspectives also seemed fairly realistic, though they came off a bit stereotypical. It’s a timely premise with today’s climate of increasing deportations, and the anxiety in it seemed palpable. I actually liked this book of Yoon’s better than her first bestselling novel “Everything, Everything,” which is coming out as a movie this month.

Though I might be too jaded to fully believe that two people can fall in love with one another in 12 hours. When I pick up a YA book, I often feel like I’m the wrong audience for the genre as the whole melodrama of the teenage experience isn’t often my cup of tea. So it’s usually me and not the book to blame. A few parts of this novel got a bit cheesy to me, and other parts I thought included an overabundance of cursing by the boy Daniel. Still I’m glad I finished it, and I think Yoon has a lot of talent writing YA fiction if she doesn’t go too overboard. I like her optimism and the spirit of love in her stories.

As for TV shows we’ve been watching, we finished Season 6 of “Homeland,” which ends with the president-elect pretty much going bonkers with retribution and cutting civil liberties. Hmm, is anyone paying attention? Now we’re into the TV series of “The Handmaid’s Tale” — based on the 1985 dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood in which a totalitarian and Christian fundamentalist government rules the former United States amidst an ongoing civil war — where society is organized with classes of women being brutally subjugated.

Oh my it’s grim, bleak stuff! After three episodes, my husband has declared it darker than Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road.” Still it’s hard to turn away from and there is hope for the resistance. Filmed around Ontario, Canada, the series apparently has been renewed for a second season to premiere in 2018. Viva the resistance!

What about you have you seen these shows, or read any of these books, and if so, what did you think?

Posted in Books, TV | 26 Comments

May Preview

Oh thank goodness we survived the April tax season and are now into the more pleasant month of May. The tennis tournament I played in over the weekend was fun though I didn’t win any top prizes. I battled in both singles and doubles and seem to have more work to do with my game over the summer. So I guess that’s all right, if only my bad knees will cooperate. (Note to knees: stay healthy despite the twists, turns, and pounding on the court you will endure.) Meanwhile there’s plenty of new releases to talk about this month, so let’s get started.

First off, who will be diving into Paula Hawkins’s new novel “Into the Water”? Ugh it’s received some pretty poor reviews from The Guardian as well as The New York Times, but will that stop us from reading an author whose prior book (need I mention the title) sold 20 million copies worldwide? Maybe. It doesn’t bode well that “Into the Water” includes 11 narrative voices that the Guardian says are “almost impossible to tell apart” and end up being both “monotonous and confusing.” Moreover Janet Maslin of the New York Times writes: Hawkins’s “goal may be to build suspense, but all she achieves is confusion. “Into the Water” is jam-packed with minor characters and stories that go nowhere.” Yikes. I think I’ll take a rain check on this one, though I did enjoy her prior blockbuster book for the genre that it was.

Instead I might try Richard Russo’s new book called “Trajectory,” which is a collection of four relatively long short stories. All of these stories, I’ve heard, are about aging people — college professors, a writer, and a real estate agent. Apparently it’s a book filled with characters quite different than Russo’s usual blue-collar, small-town Maine citizens, but I’ll believe that when I read it.

I enjoyed his 2001 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “Empire Falls” as well as the movie adaptation of his 1993 book “Nobody’s Fool” with Paul Newman, which was great. He’s a gem of a writer, and if you’re a fan, I heard this latest one is a must-read. So I hope to dive into it soon.

Another one I’m considering is Melodie Winawer’s debut novel “The Scribe of Siena.” Apparently it’s one part historical mystery and one part love story that includes elements of time-travel that blends the modern day with 14th-century Siena. Some say it’s reminiscent of Diana Gabaldon’s “Outlander” and Tracy Chevalier’s “The Girl with the Pearl Earring,” if you liked those.

Usually I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of time-travel narratives, but some of the high praise this one has received on Goodreads makes me want to snatch it up — as well as the fact that I visited Siena a few years ago and found its history quite fascinating. I wouldn’t mind going back in time to check out life in medieval Siena.

I might also like to try J. Courtney Sullivan’s novel “Saints for All Occasions” about two Irish-Catholic sisters who journey to America full of hope only to find that a subsequent secret drives them apart. Hmm. Maybe this one, involving Catholic guilt, silences, and secrets, will appeal to the folks who liked the novel and movie “Brooklyn,” though I think this novel will differ a bit from that. I guess I want to know more about the secrecy going on.

I haven’t read Sullivan before, so that makes me curious too. From what I’ve read about the novel on Goodreads, it might be just the right family saga for a beach read.

Lastly, I’ll probably check out Dennis Lehane’s latest novel “Since We Fell,” which sounds like it gets crazy midway through and doesn’t let up. Remember Lehane’s novel “Shutter Island”? Well if you liked that kind of psychological, tense thriller, you’ll probably like this one as well.

It’s about a former journalist (his first female protagonist) who after an on-air mental breakdown, now barely leaves her house. Still she enjoys a good marriage until apparently a chance encounter “sucks her into a conspiracy thick with deception, violence, and possibly madness,” which she must find the strength in herself to overcome. Yikes it sounds a bit like “Shutter Island” Part 2, but perhaps it’ll be a fast-paced read while catching rays and drinking beer on the back deck. We’ll see.

Meanwhile in movies for May, I know that fans of “Guardians of the Galaxy,” who have been waiting patiently, will now be happy for the long-awaited Vol. 2. I’m sure “Guardians” will rule the month at the box office exponentially, yet it will have to compete with another “Pirates of the Caribbean” film at the end of the month. I have lost track of those, but apparently Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, and Keira Knightley are still apart of the swashbuckling script.

There’s also a new “Alien” prequel flick, this time called  “Alien Covenant,” which looks scary as all heck. I did see “Prometheus” back in 2012 and this apparently is the sequel to that. I’m a bit of a Michael Fassbender freak and luckily he’s returned for this one, though I’m not sure I’ll see it — as it would probably make me jump out of my skin.

But I am game for the movie “The Dinner,” which is adapted from the Herman Koch novel you might remember. Oh yes, how could one forget. It’s a novel I thought was pretty effective and disturbing. In the movie, the two couples are played by Steve Coogan and Laura Linney, and Richard Gere and Rebecca Hall. Quite a good cast.

The movie has been hailed by some critics as a “provocative journey” and panned by others, with only a 48 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Ouch. From what little I’ve read about it, the numerous flashbacks get in the way of the story’s suspense, but I’ve been trying not to read too much about it because I still hope to see it. Call me crazy for that.

Lastly for May, there’s new albums in pop music by Harry Styles, and Ruth B (she’s from Alberta!); and in country music by the Zac Brown Band; and in singer-songwriter folky music by Justin Townes Earle — all of which sound pretty good. But I’ll pick the album — “Safe Haven” — by the young Ruth B for my pick this month since she’s a local to the province and her song “Lost Boy” is still pretty infectious.

What about you — which upcoming books, movies, and music are you looking forward to this month?

Posted in Top Picks | 32 Comments

The Women in the Castle and Anne of Green Gables

Well it turned into another snow day here. First it rains, then it snows, then it melts away. Then it repeats. Still I await spring; there’s buds on the trees and plants, and the grass under the snow is green, I swear. I haven’t posted in awhile because I’ve been busy playing in a couple of indoor tennis tournaments. I leave town tomorrow to play in another tournament and I can only hope the tennis gods are with me and my doubles partner. She’s Austrian and amazing. So we will see. Meanwhile I will leave you with a couple of reviews of books I finished last week.

The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck, 2017, 353 pgs, William Morrow

I think I was drawn to this one because it’s received a lot of positive hype and it dropped timely into my lap from the library. I wasn’t actually looking for another WWII story (I seem to have had my fill lately), but this novel is set in Germany and delves more into how three widows rebuild their lives after the war, which is a bit of a different take than the usual.

I’m not sure I’ve read too many WWII novels that are set solely in Germany, or from a German perspective, though I have read Markus Zusak’s 2005 novel “The Book Thief” and Bernhard Schlink’s 1995 novel “The Reader,” both of which were quite effective in a devastating kind of way. “The Reader” shares some of this book’s themes.

In this one, a German widow named Marianne returns after the defeat of Nazi Germany to the dilapidated Bavarian castle of her husband’s ancestors. Her husband, a resister, was killed after being involved in the July 1944 failed plot to assassinate Hitler, and Marianne plans to keep her promise to help and protect her husband’s conspirators — her fellow resistance widows.

As the war ends, she ends up rescuing Benita from the Red Army in Berlin, and Benita’s son Martin from a Nazi reeducation house, inviting them to live with her at the castle, as well as another widow, Ania, and her two sons. It’s a makeshift family that Marianne thinks will hold together from common ground, but little does she know how their secrets and different experiences threaten to rip them apart.

It’s a fairly intriguing premise and the first half of the novel flies by with some great storytelling about their lives. All three widows have made different choices before, during, and after the war and have dealt with its horrors in different ways. Post-war, Marianne seems to want to confront the atrocities head on, watching the news, volunteering, and having the kids know all about what happened; while Benita is set on moving on to the future; and Ania remarries only to be interrupted by someone from her past. All three are more complex and not as likable as you might initially think.

I was intrigued by the story’s themes namely those of shame, complicity, and what the average German knew or did not know or think about during the war’s darkest times. It’s something that you wonder about. What was the main populace doing or thinking? Does it have any parallels to today’s political climate? This book provides some interesting glimpses into what was going on. Interestingly in an Op-ed last month in the New York Times, the author wrote a piece entitled “I Loved My Grandmother. But She Was a Nazi.” In it she reveals her grandmother’s answers to some of the same questions she grapples with in this novel. It’s heady stuff.

The only trouble I had with “The Women in the Castle” was that while I liked the first half of it, I found the last portion of it dropped off for me. Starting with Part III and along with Part IV there’s a change in time and momentum and somehow the story lost some of its luster and mojo for me. It sort of drivels off towards its ending. But overall there are still plenty of good things I liked about “The Women in the Castle,” which made me glad I read it. For those who liked the storytelling of the novels “All the Light We Cannot See” and “The Nightingale,” this one seemed in a similar ballpark.

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, 1908, (audiobook read by Shelly Frasier)

Meanwhile I listened to this children’s classic as an audiobook last week. And I want to thank Naomi over at the blog  Consumed by Ink for all the attention she’s given to L.M. Montgomery over the years and to Canadian Lit in general. She got me interested (again). I’m not sure I had read the Anne stories in my youth (uh-oh) though I was aware of them. For some reason, for me I was deep into Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel “The Secret Garden” (1911), Jean Webster’s book “Daddy-Long-Legs” (1912) and Anna Sewell’s “Black Beauty” (1877), though that had a different theme altogether.

Of course I knew I needed to acquaint myself with Anne (make no mistake that’s Anne with an E) in order to live in this great country of Canada. Perhaps it’ll be on the citizenship test as well it should be. Anne of Green Gables, as most know, is the 11-year-old orphan girl who is adopted by Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert and grows up on Prince Edward Island (which I hope to visit someday in the years ahead). She is a bright young girl who sure is a talker! She exasperates her mother — with all her mishaps and talking — but also gets into her heart as well. Anne’s vivid imagination doesn’t need cultivating like it does in others but transforms her parents’ and best friend Diana’s modest lives in innumerable ways. There’s a little Tom Sawyer and Dennis the Menace about Anne, but she’s also whip-smart and a good girl too.

Book 1 tells of Anne’s youthful adventures and her school days, which she excels at as a student. Just don’t call her carrot head. Oh how she dislikes her red hair and freckles, and is very sensitive about them. Her schoolmate Gilbert Blythe had to learn the hard way after teasing her about her hair; it’d be years before she ever spoke to him again. The novel ends with Anne deciding whether to attend college, or stay at Green Gables and teach at the local school.

Of course, it’s a charming story (drawn upon from the author’s own childhood experiences on PEI) and one that is still entertaining and as popular as ever. I had to wrench the audiobook out from all the other Anne newbies and fans on the waiting list, but I successfully did so in due time. I’m sure I should read the rest of the series at some point — or else face self-deportation — in this year that marks the 150th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation. I’m really thankful to be here these days.

What about you — have you read these books or authors, and if so, what did you think?

Posted in Books | 19 Comments

The Sense of an Ending and 10:04

Happy Easter! I hope everyone has a great day. We woke up this morning to a trace of snow on the ground. It is quite pretty out now, but it will likely all melt away by afternoon. There’s a robin trying to build a nest in the tree out front and was mad when I came out to take pictures. Snow or no snow, this robin is busy at work — and must not be disturbed.

There’s plenty of snow left in the Canadian Rockies as the hub went skiing yesterday and said it was powdery up there. So while you get your mitts and ski outfit back on, I’ll leave you with a couple of reviews of books I finished last week.

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes, 2011, 150 pages, Jonathan Cape

Recently I saw the movie adaptation of this novel and then I went back and read the book. Usually it’s the other way around: book first and then the movie, logically. But the movie was leaving the theater and I didn’t want to miss it. The movie is quite good and follows the book fairly closely though there are a few differences.

There’s definitely a number of passages in the book that make it great, along with the story, though I’m still wondering if I liked the movie just as much — as crazy as that sounds. The Indian director Ritesh Batra, who made “The Lunchbox,” does a great job with the film, along with the veteran actors Jim Broadbent and Charlotte Rampling. Need I say more?

I’m not sure why I didn’t read the Julian Barnes novel back in 2011 when it won the Man Booker Prize. It has the kind of haunting storyline from one’s past that always seems to get me. I think it’s been compared to Ian McEwan’s novel “Atonement,” which is one of my all-time favorites. I guess I can see a similarity in that in both books an act is committed in one’s youth that inflicts much hurt and is deeply regretted later in life. These are the stories that often kill me.

In “The Sense of an Ending,” it all starts when the book’s protagonist Tony Webster, a divorced man in his 60s, is bequeathed a diary that belonged to his brilliant school friend, Adrian, who committed suicide 40 years earlier at the age of 22. Tony doesn’t actually get the diary though because his long-ago first girlfriend Veronica, who later dated Adrian in college, has gotten her hands on it. It’s in this struggle over the diary that Tony begins to revisit what happened in his youth and of how badly he reacted to Adrian’s and Veronica’s involvement.

It’s a story in which a lot of ideas come to the forefront — as Tony mulls over his past and his teen days with Veronica — about time and memory and how we choose to reshape events as we tell them to ourselves and others over our lives. There are definitely some truthful passages in the novel that held me deeply, though there’s also Tony’s whiny, obsessive ways and irksome narration at times. I wanted to strangle him: to get on with it. He’s not been that great a person to those close to him and he did something pretty awful way back when. Oh the stupid things we do in our youths!

How it plays out at the end might surprise you. The twist only deepens Tony’s part in it. But his sense of guilt and profound regret seem to save him and made him more redeemable to me. It’s quite a story, packed within a short book and one I won’t forget anytime soon.

10:04 by Ben Lerner, 2014, 256 pages, Farrar Straus Giroux

Meanwhile I listened to this novel as an audiobook last week. I must be going through a New York autobiographical, quirky novel kind of phase as this one is my second in recent weeks. I’m not sure if the novel was as much a full story as episodes in this guy’s life but still it was entertaining.

The protagonist is a 33-year-old Brooklyn-based novelist, poet, and teacher who’s got a lot on his plate at the moment: he’s been recently diagnosed with a serious medical condition; he’s trying to write a second novel — a follow-up to his surprisingly successful debut; and his best friend has asked him to help her conceive a child. He’s reckoning his mortality and the prospect of fatherhood, all the while the city is undergoing frequent superstorms and social unrest.

It’s a pretty funny story, or so the narrator makes it out to be. He’s quite clever, perhaps too much for his own good. There’s many episodes in his writerly life — such as when the narrator gives a reading at a writers’ event and meets a famous author and then later when he goes to a writer’s retreat in Marfa, Texas — that are quite amusing and take unexpected turns. In one part, he talks about the episode that made him want to become a writer — the poetry used at the memorial after the Challenger disaster in 1986. There’s even a part in which a short story the narrator submits to the New Yorker is put in its entirety within the book, and then it tells what happens to the story.

“10:04” is a bit modern and quirky like that. The structure is a bit scattered and that’s probably why I gave it 3.5 stars on Goodreads. But I seem to have liked it a bit more than Jami Attenberg’s New York novel “All Grown Up,” which I reviewed a couple weeks back. In both books, there’s heart underlying the characters’ funny and at times biting disposition that becomes apparent along the way.

“10:04” put Ben Lerner on the map for me, though I’m sure it won’t be a book for everyone. Sometime I want to go back and read his first novel “Leaving the Atocha Station” from 2011— as it does sound similarly humorous and self-deprecating as this one.

What about you — have you read these books or authors, and if so, what did you think?

Posted in Books, Movies | 27 Comments

Exit West and Noah’s Compass

It appears the Masters golf tournament is on and baseball has started so it must be officially spring. Are the azaleas in bloom where you are? No buds are open here yet, but the yard is raked up and ready to hopefully turn green soon.

My book assistant, at left, duly noted that I gave both of the books I completed last week 3.5 stars on Goodreads. They might not have been complete home runs for me, but they were still worthwhile. I know others gave Mohsin Hamid’s book 5 stars, so perhaps it was just me and my scattered brain last week that made it less so. But here are my reviews. …

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid, 2017, 240 pages, Riverhead Books

I’ve had this British-Pakistani author in my sights since his 2007 novel “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” gained much exposure and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. I always supposed it would have made for a good book club kind of discussion book — being about a Pakistani immigrant in America in the wake of 9/11 — but then my group never selected it and I didn’t get to it.

So I jumped to read Hamid’s latest novel “Exit West,” which is similarly timely with world events. It’s a story that captures a world in flux, full of war and mass migrations that follows a young couple Saeed and Nadia, “who leave an unnamed country in the midst of a civil war and journey to Greece, England and eventually the United States in an effort to invent new lives for themselves,” so writes Michiko Kakutani of the New York Times.

It’s a story too that has a bit of magic to it as there are rumored to be magical doors, which Saeed and Nadia seek out, that are said to transport refugees to safer parts of the world. In interviews, the author says he used the device because he wasn’t interested so much in the characters’ physical migrations as he was in writing about the psychology of their exile, loss, and dislocation once they left their homeland. I found the doors played a minor role in the story and didn’t disrupt from its overall picture, which I was glad about since I’m not usually a fan of magical realism and the like.

“Exit West” is a story I liked for its premise and observations about a world that reminded me of the civil war in Syria and of people fleeing unimaginable conditions. I found many of its sentences to be heartfelt, truthful, and beautifully rendered. I was curious too about Saeed and Nadia falling in love during such a time and what would become of their relationship away from their homeland.

The only trouble was the storytelling in that regard felt a bit distant and lacking to me. I wanted to be more connected to the characters and the story as my mind wandered too much while reading the novel to other things. The interspersed segments it included on other refugees also failed to fully capture me. So alas, I felt the storytelling could’ve been more involved and better, but still I was glad to have read it. The novel paints a stark glimpse of people forced to leave their homelands, their alienation, and the ties they leave behind.

Noah’s Compass by Anne Tyler, 2009, 277 pages, Knopf

Meanwhile, I listened to this novel as an audiobook last week. It’s been a long while since I picked up an Anne Tyler book — maybe not since the ’80s and ’90s when I read her novels “Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant” and “The Accidental Tourist.” They were so good, but then for whatever reason I never read anymore of her books. Perhaps I thought they were too domestic or family-oriented stories that were all a bit quirky and similar. But boy, I think I’ve missed out — as this book reminds me — she is a master novelist and storyteller.

The funny thing is this novel (her 18th) is apparently considered to be one of her weakest according to her ardent fans and critics, but still I enjoyed it and found some parts funny and endearing. Tyler is said to be known for her middle-age male protagonists who are often sad sacks  that undergo violent encounters or midlife crises of some sort that ultimately change their lives with their families.

And this book is no exception. It’s about 61-year-old Liam Pennywell, a divorced father of three daughters, who gets let go from his job as a 5th grade teacher and then is knocked unconscious from a burglar at his apartment. He doesn’t remember a thing about the attack, but later drifts into a wayward time where he gets involved with a 38-year-old frumpy woman named Eunice, who leads him astray and ultimately makes him want to regain closer ties with his daughters and ex-wife.

The story’s narration is not unlike that of a Kent Haruf book; I recently completed “Benediction” and this reminded me a bit of that — the everyday-ness of it, the concentration on domestic family members and matters, and the older male protagonist. But Tyler’s tale throws in some amusing parts as well; at one point the mother (Bootsie) of the young burglar asks if Liam will meet the boy and be a character witness for her son at his trial, saying he’s really a good kid despite knocking Liam unconscious and robbing various people’s homes. It’s a funny scene that’s quite a hoot and made me shake my head in disbelief. It’s probably one that only Anne Tyler could pull off so well.

It’s true “Noah’s Compass” is a story not without its faults, but I found it entertaining and endearing. I’ve heard Tyler’s stories have been criticized for being sentimental, but luckily I didn’t find this story to be overtly so. It’s a book that actually makes me want to go back and pick up more of Tyler’s stories in the future. Which one is your favorite?

And what about you — have you read either of these books or authors, and if so, what did you think?

Posted in Books | 33 Comments

April Preview

We’ve made it to April now, wow. Which reminds me of the saying: “April showers bring May flowers.” Or are your flowers already out? I took the photo at left yesterday when I went bicycling; see the snowy mountains? The trees don’t have their leaves yet, but it’s starting to warm up here and we could get into the 60s later this week. I’ve already raked the yard for a spring cleanup and I hope things turn green soon.

Meanwhile a lot of new books are coming out this month, which we should discuss. Among others, there’s new ones by Anita Shreve, Elizabeth Kostova, Randy Susan Meyers, David McCullough (a collection of his speeches), and even some long-lost unpublished short stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s. I’ve whittled down my list to five or so new titles coming out to watch for, so let’s get started.

First off, I’ll look to get my hands on Omar El Akkad’s dystopian debut novel “American War,” which is set in 2074 and recounts the outbreak of a second American Civil War between the North and South and its catastrophic aftermath.

Many are raving about this terrifying saga, which the New York Times’s reviewer Michiko Kakutani calls “powerful” and one that “creates as haunting a post-apocalyptic universe as Cormac McCarthy did in “The Road” (2006), and as devastating a look at the fallout that national events have on an American family as Philip Roth did in “The Plot Against America” (2004).” These are certainly strong words from the often dour Kakutani, and so I hope to get to the book right away, especially since I really liked Ben Winters’s slightly similar alternative history novel  “Underground Airlines” from last year.

Next up, I got to go with Elizabeth Strout’s new novel “Anything Is Possible.” Although I wasn’t overly thrilled with her last novel “My Name Is Lucy Barton,” which this one is a sequel to, I’m still a big fan of Strout’s storytelling and have read most of her novels.

Apparently in this new one, “Strout reveals specific details of the horrible circumstances in which Lucy and her siblings were raised, as recollected by some of the inhabitants of Amgash, Ill., and the surrounding communities,” so says Publishers Weekly. It interweaves a dozen or so characters and is similar in format to her well-known novel “Olive Kitteridge.” I hear it’s good, so I will not miss it.

I’m also curious this month about M.L. Rio’s debut novel “If We Were Villains,” which is said to be a page-turning literary thriller, similar in nature to Donna Tartt’s novel “The Secret History.” It’s set at a Illinois college specializing in Shakespeare studies, and follows a group of college students whose passions and insecurities over time escalate to murder; uh-oh. It’s said to be an exploration of friendship and seems to be rife with obsession, betrayal, and the words of Shakespeare. I liked “The Secret History” so I think I will probably like this one as well, which is getting strong ratings on Goodreads. Apparently the author is pursuing Shakespeare studies in London so hence her idea for the novel likely came from there.

Next I’m interested in Vaddey Ratner’s new novel “Music of the Ghosts” about a woman who returns to Cambodia for the first time since her harrowing escape as a child refugee. She comes to meet a man who wrote to her, claiming he knew her father at a Khmer Rouge prison where he disappeared 25 years ago.

Similar in themes to her first novel — “In the Shadow of the Banyan” — Ratner’s new story is said to be a “tragic odyssey of love, loss, and forgiveness in the wake of unspeakable horrors,” says Publishers Weekly. Gulp, count me in. I had planned to read the author’s first book but then didn’t get to it. But now I want to read both, even though reading about the Khmer Rouge genocide totally scares me. The author is a survivor from the regime in Cambodia, who now divides her time between Southeast Asia and Washington, D.C.

Lastly in books, I’m tempted to pick up Frederik Backman’s new novel “Beartown,” probably because I haven’t read him before and he’s such a popular author after “A Man Called Ove.” I shoved the “Ove” story onto my husband — hint hint don’t be a curmudgeon — and he liked it. And I’m sure I’ll see the Swedish movie of it sometime. But for now, maybe I’ll get onboard with Backman’s novel “Beartown.”

It’s said to be about a tiny community deep in the forest that is hoping its junior hockey team can win the national championship and bring the place glory, but then a violent act occurs, which leaves a young girl traumatized and the town in turmoil. Hmm. Apparently the story is dark at times but also poignant. Will it be my first Backman read?

As for movies in April, there’s a few that look promising. I’m a sucker for anything having to do with anthropology, archaeology, and explorers so “The Lost City of Z” — based on David Grunn’s 2009 book about British explorer Col. Percival Fawcett, who disappeared along with his son while searching for a mysterious city in the Amazon in the 1920s — is right up my alley.

British actor Charlie Hunnam, who starred in the TV series “Sons of Anarchy,” plays Percy Fawcett, and Robert Pattinson and Sienna Miller are in it as well. It’s an adventure tale based on a true story that seems to have all the elements; what more do you need?

Also the movie adaptation of Dave Egger’s 2013 novel “The Circle” is one I will likely see. It stars Emma Watson as the lead character who finds her dream job at a powerful tech company called the Circle, only to find out later that the company’s invasive agenda goes way overboard. Tom Hanks plays the company’s director, and the late Bill Paxton makes an appearance as Emma’s father. (So sorry for Paxton’s recent passing.) The storyline slightly reminds me of “The Firm” — remember that one? — though this one is more about privacy issues in a modern world gone technologically crazy. It’s creepy stuff that doesn’t seem too farfetched from reality.

Lastly for those interested in nature documentaries, photography, and wild animals there’s Disneynature’s “Born in China,” which looks pretty amazing for its cinematography, subject mater, and scenery. It follows the stories of three animals families: notably a panda mother and her cub, a golden monkey and his baby sister, and a mother snow leopard struggling to raise her two cubs. I’m sure it’s a film worth viewing and I’d especially like to see the footage of the elusive snow leopard. Apparently if you see the movie opening weekend, Disneynature will make a donation on your behalf to World Wildlife Fund to benefit the wild pandas and snow leopards, which is an added plus.

As for new albums in April, I’ll pick Sheryl Crow’s upcoming one “Be Myself.” I’m a fan of her early albums and songs (such as “Leaving Las Vegas” and “If It Makes You Happy”) so I’m a bit curious what this new one will be like. From what I’ve heard, it sounds like a return to her pop days, but hopefully it won’t be too pop-py, if you get my drift.

What about you — which upcoming books, movies, and music are you looking forward to this month?


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All Grown Up and A Tale for the Time Being

Hi, how is your spring going? Have you watched any March Madness? Most of the snow and ice are gone here now (just left with some mud), and we are contemplating taking our first bike ride of the season today. I’m really excited that winter is over, hooray, though snowflakes can come here at anytime. I hope the buds are opening where you are, and that you are feeling spring fever. It’s a great time of year. I will leave you with some reviews of things I finished last week.

All Grown Up by Jami Attenberg, 2016, Houghton Mifflin, 208 pages

I picked this novel up thinking it might be a bit fun with some attitude — a single girl in the city kind of novel, from an accomplished author, that I heard was bitingly funny. And indeed it didn’t disappoint in that regard. It’s told in a series of vignettes from different points in the protagonist’s life, which go back and forth in time. It read almost like it was a first-person memoir, but instead is a work of fiction.

The main character in the novel, Andrea Bern, is quite a piece of work. She’s approaching 40, lives in Brooklyn, has no passion for her job in advertising, sleeps around with no intention of getting married, and is seemingly lost and going through a rough patch. She is trying to figure out what it means to be an adult since her world is devoid of what typical adults are like. All the while, she is dealing with the grief of her brother and sister-in-law who are caring for a terminally ill child; the absence of her mother, who leaves the city to help them; and her best friend whose marriage is imploding. There’s also the baggage she carries around from dropping out of art school (her one true love), and the death of her father, who died from a drug overdose when she was a teenager.

Andrea would be totally sympathetic if she weren’t so flawed. She’s pretty selfish and self-absorbed and often not that likable. She’s also insecure and at times childish, and I wanted to shake some sense into her. But along the way, while seeking connection, she seems to gain some heart, and I started liking her for being clever, candid, and pretty funny as well. She’s snarky but sensitive too.

The story ends up being not so much about singledom — as perhaps just trying to find happiness, which most of us can relate to, though this book probably won’t be for everyone. But it’s a short, quick novel that turns out to be more touching than I would have initially thought — by an  author whose earlier books I’ve been tempted to pick up. I’m glad I got to this one. Have you read her before?

A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki, 2013, Viking, 432 pages

Meanwhile I listened to this novel as an audiobook, which is read by the author, who does a superb job of narrating the various characters. The book had been quite popular when it came out a few years back, but somehow I never got my hands on it. I’m glad I finally did. It starts with a relatively simple premise but then expands to cover so much. Who knew?!

It’s about a married Japanese-American writer (Ruth) on a remote island off British Columbia who finds a bag with a diary, a watch, and letters that washes up on shore sometime after the 2011 tsunami hit Japan and caused a meltdown at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The diary turns out to be written by a teenager named Nao in Tokyo who’s being mercilessly bullied at school. She had once lived in Silicon Valley in California, but her father was downsized there, so they returned to Tokyo, where her father has attempted suicide a couple times, and her mother works a lot.

The chapters alternate between hearing about Nao’s life in Japan and Ruth’s life on the island where’s she going through writer’s block and trying to figure out more about whose diary and letters washed ashore and where they came from. (Don’t you love these lost artifact kinds of stories? Another one is Bich Minh Nguyen’s novel “Pioneer Girl,” which is also quite good.)

Both storylines of Ruth and the young Nao are quite captivating, though Nao’s chapters are more engagingly told as she grapples with the harsh times she’s going through. She’s a plucky teenager, who’s only solace is to write the life story of her great grandmother, a Zen Buddhist nun who’s lived more than a century, and who turns Nao’s life around when she goes to stay with her on summer break.

Oh there’s much more to the story, this is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s a book that covers some dark subjects, such as from Nao’s life: depression, suicide, and bullying, and from Ruth’s life: nuclear fallout, ocean pollution, and species extinction (and from both lives: 9/11). But the book is also oddly uplifting, even a bit funny at times, how the two characters persevere and transcend time and place to reach out to one another through the diary and letters.

The novel’s essentially about the nature of time, and people in time: “time beings” as it says. For those who like a bit of philosophy in their fiction, and even quantum physics, which the story touches on near the end, then this novel is for you. It also includes a dose of magical realism, which luckily didn’t overwhelm me, or the story too much.

For the most part, I was captivated by Ruth and Nao’s lives, and I thought the novel was cleverly put together by the author. My only criticism perhaps was that it felt a bit uneven in parts, and could’ve been edited shorter. It goes on too long and for me didn’t necessarily need to cover so much. For instance, I would’ve been okay without the quantum physics part. Still I was totally surprised by the depth and how involved the story of “A Tale for the Time Being” was. No wonder it was shortlisted for the 2013 Man Booker Prize. I thought it deserved it.

Lastly this week, I watched the Best Picture nominated film “Hacksaw Ridge,” which is my second to last film in that category I haven’t seen. (I still need to see “Fences.”) “Hacksaw” is based on a true story about Desmond Doss, a combat medic in WWII who was the first man in American history to receive the Medal of Honor without firing a shot. Because of his Seventh-day Adventist’s beliefs, Doss didn’t touch guns and instead requested to serve as an unarmed medic.

The movie reminded me in some regards of other typical war, heroic films, such as “Saving Private Ryan” and “The Unbroken.” The Battle of Okinawa, which it depicts, was brutal with huge casualties on both sides. The film is quite graphic in terms of showing loss of lives, and body parts blown off. Doss, played by Andrew Garfield, dodges around the battlefield dragging the injured to safety. His courage and exploits are amazing, and apparently he saved 75 lives from the battle.

And though it is like other war films, I was interested to find out about the life of Desmond Doss, who grew up in Lynchburg, Virginia, and dropped out of school in the 8th grade to help support his family through the Great Depression. His beliefs amid the war were quite atypical — so they are thought-provoking in the film. Apparently he lived quite a long time after the war, despite his injuries and contracting tuberculosis in the Philippines. He died in 2006 in Alabama.

What about you — have you read these novels or seen this movie, and if so, what did you think?

Posted in Books, Movies | 26 Comments

Miller’s Valley and The Zookeeper’s Wife

It was a busy a week, and I’m a bit behind these days, but I’ll catch up, so bear with me if I haven’t stopped by your site recently. I hope everyone had a nice and safe St. Patty’s Day. Spring is coming, I’m very excited. I wanted to congratulate Louise Erdrich for winning the 2016 National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction for her novel “LaRose.” It’s a book I plan to get to and one that Judy over at Keep the Wisdom had  wonderful things to say about. For now, I will leave you with a few reviews of what I finished last week.

Miller’s Valley by Anna Quindlen, 2016, 272 pages

I picked up this novel when I saw it lying around my parent’s house when I was traveling a couple weeks back. After the first 80 pages or so I didn’t think it was going to be for me — it’s a coming of age, family saga that seemed to start off a bit slowly and the material appeared a little thin. Maybe it seemed too quiet, or character driven? But sometime after that the story crept up on me and I became much more invested in it.

In the novel, Mimi Miller recounts her young life growing up in a small Pennsylvania town in the 1960s with her family who’ve lived on a farm there for generations. There’s talk that the government wants to relocate their community, which is susceptible to floods, to make way for a reservoir, while her father and others are dead set against it.

Like her few friends, Mimi’s family is a bit of a mixed bag. Her mother is a nurse, and her father is a fix-it man; she has a successful older brother who’s married and moved away, and another brother she idolizes who parties through high school and then enlists in Vietnam to escape the stagnancy. There’s also Mimi’s reclusive Aunt Ruth who lives in a small house on their property but never goes outside.

All the while, there’s little money or future prospects, so Mimi loses herself in her school work, farm chores, and a sexual relationship. In many ways, the story is not uncommon to a lot of coming-of-age tales with family secrets, setbacks, and heartbreaks, but what I liked about it was Mimi’s narration, which gives it resonance with her insightful thoughts about what’s happening around her. Her sensibility piqued my curiosity into what would happen to her and the fate of the town and her family members.

I liked its themes too of home and place and the people who you grow up with. As Mimi says, “No one ever leaves the town where they grew up, even if they go.” I guess I shouldn’t have doubted the quiet power of an Anna Quindlen novel as the couple I’ve read usually have resonated quite a bit.

The Zookeeper’s Wife: A War Story by Diane Ackerman, 2007, 384 pages

Meanwhile I listened to this nonfiction book on audio, which took a couple weeks of deeply concentrated dog walks with my headphones on (ha). I was glad to get to it before it comes out as a film at the end of the month starring Jessica Chastain. The movie was filmed in Prague, which stands in for Warsaw in the story. In retrospect, maybe it would have been easier to follow reading it in print, instead of listening to it, as the book covers so many different things pertaining to the Zabinskis’ lives and the war in and around Warsaw. But then again the narration of it on audio was so beautifully done by Suzanne Toren with all the accents and Polish words and ideas, which I liked. So I guess a combination of both perhaps would have been optimal.

The book is about the true WWII story of Jan Zabinski, the director of the Warsaw zoo, and his wife Antonina, who sheltered and hid about 300 Jews and Polish resisters during the war in their villa and in the animal cages and sheds. The author used Antonina’s diaries, and other sources and research to shed light on the Nazi occupation of Warsaw, the ghetto, the uprisings, and how the Zabinskis managed and were able to do what they did.

It’s a remarkable story, but as many have found the book is not exactly an easy read or listen. Judging from what others have said on Goodreads, many abandoned or didn’t care for the book because they found it disjointed or scattered from the main story of the Zabinskis. In the book for example, the author will be telling about an incident with Jan or Antonina or their young son and then often go on a tangent idea about Polish customs or music or Nazi ideology or whatnot. So you have to hang with it a bit for the author to circle back around to the incident she was initially talking about.

It’s a book with a lot stuffed in it. Not only do you learn about the Zabinskis and what they were like, but there’s also a lot in it about nature and animals, what zoos were like at the time, Polish history, language and customs, Warsaw life, and Nazi ideology. It brought to light new things much of which I didn’t know. It also talks about various people who were pertinent to the Zabinskis during the war such as the spiritual head of the ghetto, the duplicitous director of the Berlin zoo, and others in the underground resistance.

I found the author’s research and broad scope phenomenal and fascinating. It might not have made for the easiest storytelling to follow, but sticking with it I found it rich and rewarding. I feel like someday I’ll have to return to the book to scoop up additional facts and tidbits from it. The writing too is often quite poetic and alluring, which I guess is not uncommon from the author, who’s known for this in her naturalist writings. Her love of animals and nature is definitely evident in the book, and makes for a new angle on WWII, which I haven’t heard about much before.

Other things I took away from “The Zookeeper’s Wife” was the courage of these regular people to do what they felt was right and help people despite the threat to their lives, as well as the ingenuity of many of the Polish people and Jewish resisters who thwarted the Nazis. They seemed far from idle or resigned to their fate under the occupation, and their resistance movement and uprisings are quite legendary. I was in awe of them throughout this book. I recommend the book for those who are interested in such tales of WWII resistance but know it’s probably not for every reader.

Finally last week we rented the movie “Jackie” and I thought it was quite interesting and much better than I thought it would be. I guess I thought it would be just a lot of grieving and mourning over the assassinated President Kennedy — and a portrayal of a horrified, stunned Jackie in her bloody outfit, but there’s more to the script than that. Somehow it captures quite a bit of what was going on at the time, as well the perceptions and myths, and it gets to every side of Jackie. It’s more multi-dimensional than I would’ve believed.

It’s also quite a provocative and beautiful film. And despite the flak I might have heard about Natalie Portman’s performance as Jackie, I thought she was terrific and dug deep for the role. How she didn’t win the Best Actress Oscar award over Emma Stone in “La La Land,” I’ll never know. Emma was good, but in my mind didn’t dig as deep as this.

What about you — have you read these books or seen this movie, and if so, what did you think?

Posted in Books, Movies | 33 Comments

The Nightingale and It’s What I Do

Hi, I’ve been out of the loop for awhile traveling. We had a great time touring around Southern California going on some bike rides and spending time in San Diego, the town of Julian, Borrego Springs, Redlands (my hometown), and Temecula. We got rained on a few days, which was unusual, but I know California could use all the moisture it can get, so I won’t complain (too much).

I love the desert, which sort of feels like home to me, and we usually try to get out there once a year as a reprieve from the long Canadian winters.

It was beginning to bloom in Borrego Springs, and many areas including the canyons were quite green from all the rain in California this winter. Even the Salton Sea, the large dying lake out in the desert along the San Andreas Fault, had apparently risen a bit, according to the park ranger there.

In San Diego, we stayed and toured around Coronado Island and visited the USS Midway Museum — the huge aircraft carrier that operated for 47 years and saw action in the Vietnam War as well as serving as the Persian Gulf’s flagship in 1991’s Operation Desert Storm.

It’s fascinating to tour the ship that was once a City on the Sea to a crew of more than 4,000. It was fully equipped with a dentist and doctor’s office, a laundry department that handled 43,000 pounds of clothes a week, a Post Office, a brig, and six galleys that served 13,500 meals a day, oh my. In case you’re wondering, the ship is more than three football field lengths long, but still could cruise at a speed of 33 knots or 38 mph — fast enough to water ski behind. Pretty incredible. I’m pleased I didn’t get lost aboard.

Meanwhile on the trip I read Kristin Hannah’s 2015 bestselling novel “The Nightingale.” I’m aware I’m late to the party on this popular story about two French sisters in German Occupied France during WWII. You remember Isabelle, the resistance fighter based in Paris, and her sister Vianne at home in the countryside with her daughter, billeted with a German soldier. Both sisters (who are quite different from one another) do their best, trying to survive the war and end up helping others in the process. These are scary days indeed. There are grisly things that happen in their lives, make no mistake that this is a lightweight book in that regard.

I know the novel might be considered historical fiction-lite or historical romance, but it was an absorbing page-turner while on my trip. The reading level was pretty easy, YA level perhaps, and it flowed along at a speedy pace. I thought the storytelling was well done and I was caught up in the sisters keeping alive during the war. The story did not sag for me, despite being a good-sized saga. Apparently Isabelle is based on the real life story of 19-year-old Andree de Jongh, a Belgian woman who helped hundreds of Allied aviators escape by escorting many over the Pyrenees on foot. Like Isabelle, she too spent time at Ravensbruck concentration camp. As you might have guessed “The Nightingale” is slated to be made into a movie, but who will star as the French sisters? — that is the question. Any picks for the actresses?

I’ve read about Occupied France in the recent novels by Sebastian Faulks, Anthony Doerr, and Irene Nemirovsky’s “Suite Francaise,” and “The Nightingale” captured and daunted me as well. On top of that, I’m listening this week to the audiobook of the true story of “The Zookeeper’s Wife,” set in Poland during WWII; how much more can I take of these crimes against humanity? If I survive this one, I’ll look to get out of Occupied Europe for awhile in my reading.

While away, I also finished the audiobook of Lynsey Addario’s 2015 memoir “It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War.” The author has photographed for the New York Times, the New York Times Magazine, and National Geographic among other publications, and has covered dangerous conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and the Congo. You name it, she’s been there. This memoir tells of her life becoming a photojournalist and of her days on the road in these far-flung places doing the job that she so obviously loves doing, and is driven to do.

I thought the book was told quite candidly, not as a photo expert but more about how her career unfolded as well as her fears, insecurities, and drive to be taken seriously in a male-dominated profession. It also delves into her personal life and how she struggled to try to find a balance between that and her work life. Her travels in this book are quite astounding, and the stories she tells of her photo assignments in dangerous places are pretty hairy; she gets injured and almost killed on a few occasions. Her memoir sheds light on journalists putting their lives on the line to do their jobs and unearth the truth.

I was quite amazed by how driven she is in the book (obviously she’s greatly accomplished at what she does) and it reminded me of the journalists I worked with while at the Washington Post as a copy editor. We often talked to our co-workers while they were in the field over questions or updates on their stories. I remember those busy days and reading about the foreign conflicts Addario talks about.

Some of her choices I thought were pretty crazy, especially traveling to risky places while pregnant and shortly thereafter. It seemed quite nuts to me; for a couple decades it appears she never said No to an assignment, despite the risks or constant travel involved. Still she’s made her life work for her. As I said, I listened to this as an audiobook, which I liked, but then I went to her website to see her photographs, which is a must to get the full experience of what she’s spent her life doing. All in all, I thought it was a thought-provoking memoir, and especially would be liked by those who are interested in  journalism or conflict photography.

Lastly we rented two movies on the trip, “Patriots Day,” which was a passable movie about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing starring Mark Wahlberg among others. I judged it to be slightly above a TV kind of true-story movie, which follows the details of the case pretty closely. It grabs at the emotions pretty well but is not something I would normally go out of my way to see.

We also saw the pretty weird thriller “Nocturnal Animals” with Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal about a wealthy art gallery owner who’s haunted by her ex-husband’s new novel. Have you seen this one? It starts off pretty scary and disturbing portraying the story from the novel then flashes back to their days together. I can’t say much more about it without ruining the story, though it does have one of those huh? kind of endings. Some will like it, others will not. I’m still wondering if it really worked.

What about you, have you read these books or seen these movies — and if so what did you think?

Posted in Books, Movies | 26 Comments

The Oscars and March Preview

My husband and I are heading out this Saturday for our “spring break” trip, which will include a week of bicycling and exploring in Southern California, particularly in San Diego and the Palm Desert area. So I’m posting early. We will try to catch some of the Academy Awards while there; Jimmy Kimmel is hosting and he should be pretty funny. Many think that “La La Land,” which tied “Titanic” and “All About Eve” with a record 14 Oscar nominations, will run away with the night in a landslide, though many movie critics are pulling for “Moonlight” to win.

I liked both of these films fine, but I’m hoping that maybe “Manchester by the Sea” or “Lion” will win something big too. Those two were my favorites. “Hidden Figures” and “Loving” followed closely behind the big four for me. I missed “Fences” and “Jackie,” but I’m sure they will come on rental soon, along with the nominated documentaries that I want to see. Which was your favorite film, or acting performance of the year?

Meanwhile March is just around the corner and I’m looking at what novels are coming out that I want to get my hands on. First off I’m interested in checking out Mohsin Hamid’s new novel “Exit West” about a couple who flee their homeland, which is on the brink of civil war, to join other migrants traveling to safer havens through closely guarded doors. The novel is said to contain surrealistic elements as people are transported from the doors to different parts of the world.

Usually I’m not too keen on such portals or doors in novels, though I did like “Narnia,” but I’m curious enough to see it through. Mohsin Hamid is a highly regarded British Pakistani author who’s book “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” is still on my shelf waiting to be read. Moreover I liked what the Huffington Post had to say about “Exit West”: “Hamid’s timely and spare new novel confronts the inevitability of mass global immigration, the unbroken cycle of violence, and the indomitable human will to connect and love.”

Next, I’m also considering Jami Attenberg’s new novel “All Grown Up,” which is said to be darkly funny about a “39-year-old single, childfree woman who defies convention as she seeks connection.”

I have not read Attenberg’s other novels “The Middlesteins” or “Saint Mazie,” but this one looks perhaps too good to pass up. The novel’s protagonist — New Yorker Andrea Bern — seems like quite a character, with her cutting observations on relationships and singledom. As Glamour says about the book: “Told in vignettes, “All Grown Up” asks what happens after you’ve got the whole ‘adult’ thing under control.” Hmm. I might still be working on that.

Also Peter Heller has a new novel coming out called “Celine,” which I probably can’t resist since I liked his other novels “The Dog Stars” and “The Painter.” This one is about a 67-year-old NY private investigator named Celine who heads with her husband Pete out to Yellowstone National Park to help a young woman solve the long ago missing person’s case of her father, who was said to be mauled by a grizzly but was never found.

Heller usually has a strong knack for settings amid nature, which I like, and the Library Journal has said about the novel: “Heller blends suspense with beautiful descriptive writing of both nature and civilization to create a winner.” So count me in.

Next up is Jessica Shattuck’s upcoming novel “The Women in the Castle.” I know I sort of promised myself not to take on anymore WWII novels than what I already have on my shelves, but with all the praise this story seems to be getting, I’m having a hard time resisting it.

Really it takes place post-WWII (so I’m okay there), amid the ashes of a defeated Germany, and is about three widows whose lives and fates become intertwined. All three women eventually must “come to terms with the choices that have defined their lives before, during, and after the war.” Hmm despite being buried in WWII books, I find myself game for the genre once again.

Lastly in books this month, there’s Nikolas Butler’s new novel “The Hearts of Men,” which sounds like it’s straight from the cult of the masculine — does it not? But Butler is well regarded from his previous novel “Shotgun Lovesongs,” which many readers loved. I have not gotten to it yet, but his new one gives me a chance to catch up with his storytelling, which comes highly praised.

“The Hearts of Men” is set at a woodsy Boy Scout summer camp and follows three generations struggling to find their place in a world bent on dealing them a bad hand, according to Publishers Weekly. Author Christina Baker Kline says about it: “Part coming-of-age narrative, part meditation on masculinity, part war story, this novel had me spellbound all the way to its riveting conclusion.” Hmm. I’m curious about checking this author out.

As for new movies in March, there’s a couple of cute comedies that look fun as possible future rentals, namely “Table 19” with Anna Kendrick about an ex-maid of honor who finds herself at the wedding reception assigned with five random guests to the dreaded Table 19. Oh my, I think I’ve been there! Also there’s Shirley MacLaine’s new movie “The Last Word” about a curmudgeon businesswoman who tries to control the writing of her own obituary, and in the process becomes friends with the local newspaper obit writer, played by Amanda Seyfried. It looks light and fun and a MacLaine-kind of movie.

But my main movie pick for March goes to “The Zookeeper’s Wife,” which is based on the 2007 nonfiction book by Diane Ackerman that draws on the unpublished diary of Antonina Żabińska. It stars Jessica Chastain and tells the true story of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the German invasion of Poland in 1939.

I love to see these WWII resistance kinds of stories, similar to that of Oskar Schindler in “Schindler’s List.” I’m number 27 in line for the book of “The Zookeeper’s Wife” at the library, while the movie of it comes out at the end of the month. Have you read it?

Lastly in album picks for March, there’s new ones by Canadian singer-songwriters Jenn Grant and Amelia Curran, which I plan to look for, and also the band Spoon from Austin, Texas, has a new one called “Hot Thoughts,” which seems fun. Also Bob Dylan seems to be turning into a crooner with his “Triplicate” album that features 30 covers of classic American songs; oh my! No wonder he couldn’t make it to Sweden for the Nobel Prize, right? But my pick this month goes to Aimee Mann, whose music I like, for her upcoming album “Mental Illness.” She’s a badass singer-songwriter and is always worth listening to.

What about you — which books, movies, or albums are you looking forward to this month? Till next time, I bid you adieu.  Bon voyage!

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